
MUMBAI: Amid dramatic late-night developments in Jammu andKashmir, with several of the state's top political leaders, including OmarAbdullah, Mehbooba Mufti and Sajad Lone being put under house arrest, Bollywoodactor Anupam Kher tweeted, saying "Kashmir Solution has begun."

This latest move comes at a time of uncertainty in theKashmir Valley following a massive security build-up and a government advisoryasking tourists and pilgrims to leave Kashmir immediately. The tensions spikedon Friday after the Jammu and Kashmir administration scrapped the AmarnathYatra, citing security threats from terrorists backed by the Pakistan Army. AnupamKher, an ardent supporter of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has often voicedsupport for several of the ruling BJP government's policies. His wife KirronKher is a Member of Parliament from the party.

"The whole country is in favour of the Modi government.It is not a small majority, it is a huge mandate. The opposition should nowquietly let this government work," Mr Kher had earlier said.Mr Kher hadalso said that all the issues in the Kashmir Valley will be resolved if Article370, which gives special autonomous status to the state, is abolished.Amid thecurrent uncertainty in Kashmir, there have been concerns that the centre hasplans to tweak or do away with Article 370 and Article 35A, which gives specialrights and privileges to the state's citizens in government jobs and land.

As many as 35,000 paramilitary forces were flown in lastweek and have deployed across Srinagar and sensitive areas of the KashmirValley.

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